PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting, Free Cloud PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting service provides fully managed hosting service for your PostgreSQL database in a cloud computing environment, ensuring continuous and efficient operation of your database. By deploying your PostgreSQL database in the cloud, you not only simplify database creation, configuration, and management, but also ensure that your database is available at all times with optimal performance and high availability.

Choose Your PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting Pricing

Select your PostgreSQL cloud hosting solution according to your needs before deploying a free cloud PostgreSQL.

Express PostgreSQL Plan

Free Trial
  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 2GB Memory
  • 60GB SSD Disk
  • 60GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Twice per Month Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support

Basic PostgreSQL Plan

Free Trial
  • 3 CPU Cores
  • 4GB Memory
  • 100GB SSD Disk
  • 100GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Twice per Month Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support

Professional PostgreSQL Plan

Free Trial
  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 8GB Memory
  • 160GB SSD Disk
  • 160GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Weekly Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support

Advanced PostgreSQL Plan

Free Trial
  • 6 CPU Cores
  • 16GB Memory
  • 240GB SSD Disk
  • 240GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Weekly Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support
What is a Postgres Cloud Hosting?

What is a PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting service is a type of service provided through cloud computing platforms, allowing users to deploy their applications, databases, services, or websites in the cloud, with the cloud service provider responsible for managing and maintaining the underlying infrastructure.

PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting refers to deploying PostgreSQL databases on cloud computing platforms, with the cloud service provider offering managed services to simplify tasks such as creating, configuring, backing up, monitoring, and scaling databases. This solution leverages the elasticity and automation features of cloud computing, enabling users to utilize PostgreSQL databases in a more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective manner, without the need to delve deeply into the operational details of the underlying infrastructure.

Features of PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting

PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting comes with a variety of features designed to enhance the performance, scalability, and manageability.
99.9% Uptime
99.9% Uptime
Backed by enterprise-class hardware initiatives and a team of experts, Cloud Clusters promises 99.9% uptime of free cloud PostgreSQL, achieved through a rigorous set of measures and best practices to ensure the stability and availability of database services.
24/7/365 Tech Support
24/7/365 Tech Support
Our 24/7/365 technical support team is dedicated to resolving any issues related to Postgres Cloud Hosting and providing comprehensive support to enable customers to realize the full potential of their database services.
Automated Deployment
Automated Deployment
Provides simple tools and interfaces that enable users to quickly deploy PostgreSQL cloud database instances without the hassle of manual configuration.
Backup and Recovery
Backup and Recovery
The PostgreSQL cloud database is automatically backed up regularly to ensure data security and provide fast and reliable recovery options to reduce the risk of data loss.
Postgres cloud hosting provides security measures such as data encryption, authentication, and access control to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the database.
User-Friendly Control Panel
The control panel of Postgres cloud hosting generates real-time charts to monitor resource usage, view logs and avoid potential threats.

Benefits of Running PostgreSQL on the Cloud

Postgres cloud hosting helps increase performance, flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
Simplify Operation and Maintenance

Simplify Operation and Maintenance

With PostgreSQL cloud hosting services, you do not have to handle the hardware, network and operating system level details themselves, thus reducing the operational burden.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery

High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Cloud Clusters distribute multiple data centers in different geographic locations, providing high availability and disaster recovery solutions to ensure the PostgreSQL cloud stability.
Quick Startup and Expansion

Quick Startup and Expansion

With the PostgreSQL cloud, database instances can be quickly launched, and put into use in a short time. Database resources can be rapidly expanded or contracted based on business needs.
Security Guarantee

Security Guarantee

PostgreSQL cloud hosting services typically employ best practices to ensure data security, including encryption, authentication, and access control.


By choosing a PostgreSQL cloud hosting service, you can avoid direct investment in hardware and infrastructure and just choose what you need to pay for, thus increasing cost-effectiveness.
Professional Technical Support

Professional Technical Support

Our Professional team provides PostgreSQL cloud free technical support to solve problems and ensure the smooth operation of the database. You don't have to worry about technical issues so you can focus on your business.

What Industries is Cloud PostgreSQL Hosting for?

Cloud PostgreSQL Hosting is suitable for a variety of industries due to its flexibility, scalability, and power.
Technology and Internet
Financial Services
Retail and E-commerce
Internet of Things (IoT)
Media and Entertainment
Energy and Utilities
Science and Research
Transportation and Logistics
Hospitality and Tourism
Marketing and Advertising
Sports and Entertainment
Research and Development

FAQs about PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting

How does PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting differ from traditional hosting?

Unlike traditional hosting, Postgres Cloud Hosting leverages the benefits of cloud computing, providing scalability, flexibility, and automated management of PostgreSQL databases. It eliminates the need for users to handle the manual configuration and maintenance of underlying infrastructure.

Can I scale my database resources in PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting

Yes, Postgres Cloud Hosting allows dynamic scaling of database resources based on business needs. You can adjust computing power, storage, and memory to accommodate changing workloads.

Is technical support available for PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting?

Yes, we offer 24/7 technical support. This ensures that you have access to professional assistance at any time to address issues, receive guidance, and resolve technical challenges.

Can I upgrade my PostgreSQL version in Postgres Cloud Hosting?

Yes, PostgreSQL Cloud Hosting services often support database version management, allowing users to upgrade to newer stable versions of PostgreSQL. It's recommended to test upgrades in a non-production environment before applying them to ensure compatibility.

Can I get a free cloud PostgreSQL?

We offer a 7-day cloud PostgreSQL free trial that enables you to test the hosting platform, performance, and overall suitability to ensure that the service meets your specific needs before making a long-term commitment.

How do I continue using the PostgreSQL cloud service after the free trial?

To continue using the PostgreSQL cloud service, you can simply click the Renew button to subscribe to the Postgres cloud hosting service. After the payment, your free cloud PostgreSQL will turn to a paid PostgreSQL cloud database hosting service.