Comprehensive Guide to Installing PostgreSQL on CentOS 7 Using Yum

PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system, and CentOS 7 provides a stable and secure environment for hosting it. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of installing PostgreSQL on CentOS 7 using the Yum package manager, covering key steps such as 'CentOS PostgreSQL', 'install PostgreSQL CentOS 7', 'yum install PostgreSQL', and 'CentOS install PostgreSQL.'

Step One: Update Yum Repository

Before installing PostgreSQL, it's good practice to update the Yum repository to ensure you are fetching the latest packages. Open the terminal and execute:
This command fetches the latest information about available packages.
sudo yum update

Step Two: Install PostgreSQL

Now, use the following command to install PostgreSQL:
This will install the PostgreSQL server and additional contributed modules.
sudo yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib

Step Three: Initialize the Database

After installation, initialize the PostgreSQL database and enable automatic start on system boot:
sudo postgresql-setup initdb
sudo systemctl enable postgresql

Step Four: Start PostgreSQL Service

Start the PostgreSQL service using the following command:
sudo systemctl start postgresql
Verify that the service is running without errors:
sudo systemctl status postgresql

Step Five: Access PostgreSQL Shell

Access the PostgreSQL shell using the psql command:
Now, you are in the PostgreSQL interactive shell, and you can start creating databases, users, and performing other administrative tasks.
sudo -u postgres psql

Additional Tips

Secure Your PostgreSQL Installation
Edit the PostgreSQL configuration file to enhance security:
Adjust access controls according to your security requirements.
sudo nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
Firewall Configuration
If your firewall is enabled, allow PostgreSQL traffic:
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=postgresql --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Conclusion for PostgreSQL on CentOS 7

Congratulations! You've successfully installed PostgreSQL on CentOS 7 using Yum. This provides you with a robust and efficient relational database system, ready for your applications. Remember to tailor security settings based on your specific requirements. This guide ensures a smooth installation process, making PostgreSQL on CentOS 7 easily accessible for your database needs.

Explore Cloud Clusters for Ubuntu PostgreSQL Server

For those seeking an even more streamlined experience with PostgreSQL, consider Cloud Clusters—a platform offering seamless Ubuntu PostgreSQL cloud hosting. With Cloud Clusters, you can enjoy one-click deployment, hassle-free management, and the convenience of cloud-based hosting.

By leveraging Cloud Clusters, you not only simplify the installation and management of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu but also gain access to a range of features designed to enhance your database hosting experience. Take advantage of the free trial to evaluate the platform's capabilities and discover how it can elevate your PostgreSQL deployment to new heights.